This game is rated ages 17+
This game is intended for ages 17+"Overal, YU-NO is a great game that I would definitely recommend to any relatively experienced visual novel player, and also to people who like interactive adventure games like Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright."
"In conclusion, YU-NO has one of the best stories and soundtracks ever made for a video game, It also has great characters, outstanding sound and visual design, and unique space-time travelling gameplay mechanics."
"Many awesome games give you a sense of epic scale, making you feel like you actually did just save an entire planet from catastrophes millenia in the making. On the other hand, YU-NO will make you feel the size and scope of each and every extant universe from the beginning of time to unforseeable futures."
Takuya Arima is a young student whose father, a historian who has conducted various researches, disappeared recently. During a summer vacation Takuya receives a peculiar package from his missing father, along with a letter containing information about the existence of various parallel worlds. At first Takuya doesn't take it seriously, but soon he realizes that he possesses a device that allows him to travel to alternate dimensions. Is his father alive, after all? If so, where is he?
YU-NO was originally released for the PC-98 in 1996 and was re-released for Microsoft Windows in 2000. YU-NO received an English fan translation in 2011. Spike Chunsoft announced a full re-make of the game for Windows and PS4, and 5pb. Games announced a port to the Switch, all slated for a 2019 release.
(From VNDB)